"Vandal Hearts I ja II maybe, pretty much like FF Tactics those two, if my memory serves me right."

"I suggest As Time Goes By in Casablanca. Nice list though. :)"

"Top 5 are pretty much among the best games I have ever played. With all the 3D and graphics it has all gone too complicated, not that I don't like the new games as well. But, there's no such feeling a"

"Asia Argento also maybe? Anyways, nice list. Gives people maybe some perspective. They aren't all men after all."

"Thin Red Line, Ivan's Childhood, Big Red One, Cross of Iron, Catch-22... There's plenty. Still, good films on your list aswell."

"I suggest adding Jean Gillie. Considering the noirs, Decoy is not the best in my books, but pretty certainly her performance in it is easily one of the most grim and evil of em all. I kinda think her "

"About Idi Amin probably best is "Gรฉnรฉral Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait". Fidel: Comandante by Oliver Stone About females Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez maybe? The Honeymoon Killers Leni Riefenst"